Friday, December 14, 2007


Welcome to the Middletown Economic Restructuring "ER" Team blogspot!
Here you will see posts by team members about the work we will be doing to revitalize Port Middletown.

Our team members will post ideas for our team, prospective businesses, ideas, questions--just about anything that will keep our team active and continuing to meet our goal and vision.

You are welcome to comment if you are not a team member. Your comments will be moderated so they may not appear after you hit the post button.

The MERT participants are:
Adriane Scherrer, Ronnie Wood, Deborah Rumford, Tom Wiley, Rachel Lewitt, Scott Stacey, Bill Murphy, Walter Leap and Linda Fisler. We also have Jim Stiver and Marty Kohler dropping by on occassion to add some perspective.

Our first meeting was December 13th--check the meeting notes.

Our next meeting is January 10th at 6:30PM at 1015 Central Ave. (Rumford Productions bldg.) The meeting agenda will be:
1. Downtown Business and Space database Review Presenters: Adriane and Walter
2. Website Review and changes Presenter: Linda
3. Marty will pass out maps that were shared last meeting
4. 20-30 minute brainstorming session

Thanks for stopping by and hope you keep up on what MERTs@Work will be doing.